Saturday, June 14, 2014

The further evolution of scripture study

-Another old- unpublished draft- for your viewing pleasure.-
We have now given up the box thing.  The way we're doing scriptures now is, we ask the kids a question (ex: what is the most important commandment?) and we answer it by telling them a scripture story, then we ask the question again.  I like this method because it allows us to teach at their level- it might not be a straight through reading, but that's fine.  Other questions:
- Jesus told us, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" Who is your neighbor?
- How should we feel towards our enemies?
-What is the best way for us to serve God?
-What commandment comes with a promise of long life?
-Why did Jesus need to be baptized? 
-What is a virtue?
-What is the most important virtue any person can have?
-How do we show that we know and love God? (1 John 2:3-5)
-How do we find courage against our fears? (1 John 4:18)
-How can we find answers to our questions? (Matt 21:22)
-What does Baptism represent? (being born again)
-What is a soul? (D+C 88:15 Spirit and Body)
-Why did God send us to Earth?
-How can we know gospel truth? -When we hear a doctrine, how can we know whether it is from God?
-What does the sacrament represent?  What promise do we make when we take the sacrament?
-Why do we call God, "Heavenly Father"?
-Why is Christ sometimes called our Father and other times called our brother?
-Why is Christ called the good shepherd?
-How do we find hope in Christ?
-What is the mission/job of the Holy Ghost?
-Faith enables God to work miracles in our lives.  What is Faith?  How do we strengthen our Faith?
-Christ sat with his disciples around a fire.  He asked Peter if he loved him.  Peter answered that He did.  Jesus then told him to feed his sheep.  What does it mean to feed His sheep? How does that show our love for Jesus?
-Does God love us when we sin?
Anyways, I have really enjoyed this method.  It helps us think about the scripture rather than just read it.

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